Dillion Colby Herrington
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J6er HOME STATE | Birth Day | Military / LEO Description |
Date of Initial Arrest | TRIAL DATE | Sentencing Date |
06/08/2021 | 12/01/2023 |
Sentence Start Date | RELEASE DATE | Updated Date |
09/26/2024 |
Pre-Trial Incarceration | Waiting to start sentence | Serving Sentence |
No | Yes | No |
Sentenced, Charged, Awaiting to self surrender
29 years old, Herrington served as an Indirect Fire Infantryman in the U.S. Army from 2017 to 2019
Sentenced on 12/1/2023 to 37 Months Incarceration; 3 Years Of Supervised Release; Restitution Of $2000; Special Assessment Of $100
Herrington pleaded Guilty to the charge. Sentenced on 12/1/2023 to 37 Months Incarceration; 3 Years Of Supervised Release; Restitution Of $2000; Special Assessment Of $100
Charges: Knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted grounds without lawful authority. (1) Disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds. (2) Knowingly engage in any physical violence against any person or property in a restricted building. (3) Willingly and knowingly engage in an act of physical violence in the grounds of the Capitol building. (4) Commit or attempt any act to impede or obstruct or interfere with law enforcement in the lawful performance of his official duties. (5) Forcibly assault, resist, opposes impede, intimidate, or interfere with certain officers. (6)